Ob Burrito-Rolle oder Tablettenbox: Diese fünf einfachen Tricks helfen dabei, das Handgepäck noch effizienter zu packen.
© Amy Shamblen

Travel Hacks: 5 Tricks for the Perfectly Packed Suitcase

Whether it's a burrito roll or a pill box: these five simple tricks help to pack carry-on luggage even more efficiently.

April 20, 2023

Whether you're going on a short trip or simply want to do without large checked luggage: small suitcases often fit more than you would think. To save a little more space on your next flight, we reveal five simple tricks for the perfectly packed suitcase.

1. Roll it!

Travel Hacks & Tricks: Ein altbewährter Klassiker: Rolle deine Kleidung, anstatt sie zusammenzulegen. Die absoluten Packprofis gehen aber noch einen Schritt weiter und setzen auf den „Burrito-Trick“.

How to pack t-shirts. © David Karp

A time-honored classic: roll your clothes instead of folding them. But the absolute packing pros go one step further and rely on the burrito trick. This involves placing a shirt in front of you and shorts or a skirt in the middle. The sleeves are folded inwards. Now place the stockings or socks on the top of the shirt so that the open sides face outward, similar to a T-shape. Now roll the shirt from top to bottom. The two ends of the socks are put over the ends of the shirt now and then roll on the right and left side respectively.

2. The shoe trick

Zu guter Letzt: Es lohnt sich, wirklich jeden Zentimeter des Koffers auszunutzen. Darunter etwa die Schuhe, die mit Socken, Ladegeräten oder Unterwäsche befüllt werden können.

Shoes can be filled with socks. © Arnel Hasanovic

It's worth it to really use every centimeter of the suitcase. Among them, the interior of the shoes. They can be filled with socks, chargers or underwear. 

3. Keep it safe

Ein einfacher Trick: Die Duschhauben, die in den Hotels im Amenity Kit zu finden sind, eignen sich hervorragend als Schutzhaube für den Schuh.

Use shower caps as shoe covers. © Shutterstock

Shoes in the suitcase: usually not a problem when traveling. However, if you've been hiking or walking the dusty streets of Rome during your vacation, you'll inevitably worry about dirt in your suitcase. A simple trick: the shower caps, which can be found in the amenity kit in hotels, make an excellent protective cover for the shoe. 

4. Misappropriated

Travel Tricks: Ob Ringe, Armbänder oder Ketten: Schmuck zu packen, kann ziemlich nervenaufreibend sein. Ständig verhaken sich die Ketten, es gibt kleine Knötchen, die man in mühsamer Kleinstarbeit lösen muss.

A pillbox for jewelry. © Shutterstock

Whether rings, bracelets or necklaces: packing jewelry can be quite nerve-wracking. Chains constantly get tangled up, there are little knots that you have to painstakingly undo. Rings disappear. To get around this, all you need are drinking straws and tablet dispensers: you can put rings, earrings and small chains in the individual compartments of the tablet box. For necklaces, thread half the chain into the drinking straw, if necessary shorten it according to the length of the chain. 

5. Thinking ahead

Travel Tricks: Fast versteht es sich von selbst: Wer im Vorhinein überlegt, welche Outfits er während seines Urlaubs oder Kurztrips tragen möchte oder benötigt, kann ziemlich viel Platz sparen.

What outfits to bring on your short trip? © Tucker Good

It almost goes without saying: if you consider which outfits you want or need to wear during your vacation or short trip in advance, you can save quite a bit of space. In addition, you should focus on pieces that can be combined with each other. For example, shoes that go with different pants or skirts. Tops that fit several bottoms and vice versa.

Read more: Travel Hacks: The 10 Best Tips from Frequent Flyers