© Valentina & Philippa

Natural, Uncompromising, Sustainable

Ursula Kaufmann, founder of "Valentina & Philippa", also presents herself in the same way as her skincare line.

31 May 2021

Best essences from nature, highest purity and a zero waste concept characterize the products. In this interview, Ursula Kaufmann tells us which products should never be missing from her travel bag and what she thinks about sustainable holidays.

Which beauty products should definitely not be missing in your travel bag?

I'm in desperate need of an eye cream and highlighter. Situationally, of course, I always have my new, 100 percent natural and nourishing Handsanitizer with me.

Is there one destination in particular that inspired you to bring Valentina & Philippa to life?

I travelled a lot as a child and have been travelling professionally for 20 years. New York, Milan, Vienna and Zurich have always been strong sources of inspiration that have broadened my horizons. I like different influences of the most diverse lifestyles. This includes quiet places as well as pulsating cities - you need both. Besides big cities, the balance in hotels in the nature of our region is very important to me.

What do you particularly value in a hotel?

I like it when a hotelier shows attitude. Many hotels already have a well thought-out and ambitious environmental concept and assume social responsibility towards their employees. Of course, these are things that happen in the background for the guest, but they are definitely noticeable. I am convinced when regional products are used in the kitchen, when the furnishings bear the hallmarks of regional craftsmanship and when materials are used that are local. Especially when everything is interpreted in a new and creative way.

It is important to me to combine the highest purity, the power of nature and sustainability.

"Sustainability is a must" is your credo - do you have a tip for sustainable holidays?

I think you should make your travel plans very consciously. And ask yourself whether a 20-euro flight to Amsterdam or a weekend in Austria is the better decision. Even when booking a hotel, I have control over how responsibly I want to travel. Some hosts live sustainability down to the last detail - even down to the conscious selection of the cosmetic line. This is exactly where the concept of Valentina & Philippa comes in: We offer natural body care with the best essences from nature, with a sustainable packaging concept and a production on the latest ecological level.

What are your plans for the future?

We are constantly working to reduce our CO2-balance sheet even further. For example, in the implementation of our zero-waste concept with bottles made entirely of recycled PCR plastic, which are refillable and 100% recyclable. Our production is also managed with solar power. We are constantly optimizing our sustainability concept to stay one step ahead of the times. Our motto is to do instead of just talking about it.

Natural, sustainable and high quality - the products of Valentina & Philippa.

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