

Follow now! The most important Instagram Travel Sites

24 February 2020

If you're a travel enthusiast, you definitely shouldn't miss these Instagram accounts!

One of the first and most successful travel inspiration pages on Instagram, started by entrepreneur Jeremy Jauncey.

To the Instagram account

Handsome collection of the most beautiful places and most stylish hotels plus exciting new openings and insider tips.

To the Instagram account

You could also describe this account with the hashtag #LifeGoals. Jack quit his job and now lives from traveling.

To the Instagram account

Wonderfully inspiring images of cities around the world and secret places that should not be missed.

To the Instagram account

Lucy Rose Laucht is a photographer and travels around the world with her camera. Her great pictures make you dream of summer by the sea.

To the Instagram account

The most beautiful hotels in the world, captured in unique pictures. Between superlatives you will also find small treasures.

To the Instagram account

Picture credits: Georgia de Lotz via Unsplash; Instagram: @beautifuldestinations; @mister_tripper; @doyoutravel; @theprettycities; @lucylaucht; @bucketlist_hotel