
These things you need for a weekend trip

Weekend Essentials.

15 December 2020

Escape the daily grind, just get out, see something different: Sync and corrections by n17t01 Short trip over the weekend, gets our thoughts going, inspires and gives us strength again. But what do I absolutely need when I spontaneously go away for a few days? We have a few helpful essentials for you at a glance.


Cash & Documents

Even though we are all digitally connected these days, it is important to carry cash and personal documents physically. Passport and ID should be stored next to the original also in the printed version or on the smartphone. Just to be on the safe side, because you never know what situations you might get into.



In the heat of the packing battle, it can be easy to forget important documents! Airline tickets, train tickets, hotel booking confirmations or a possible visa should always be printed out for safety's sake.


First-aid kit

A small travel case with necessary care items should always be with you. First and foremost, it is important to think a zip bag with hygiene items and individual medications. Especially prescription ones!


Offline Apps

Who hasn't experienced this: Just arrived at the holiday destination and no WLAN connection! That's why it makes sense to download the apps for an offline mode. This way, maps and travel apps can be used even without internet.



Especially when traveling, it can happen that you do not get everywhere and immediately to a power connection. If you also use your smartphone as a camera and take numerous photos to capture the experience, then the risk that the battery will run out is higher. But with a powerbank, you can charge all your portable devices wherever you are.



In times of a pandemic, it is especially important to protect yourself and others from illness, especially while traveling abroad or to other cities.A mouth/nose guard in multiples and disinfectant should be a must in every travel bag.

Picture Credits: Annie Spratt / Unsplash