22_WLF_Ice Melting Ice by Stefano Cagol © Brixen Tourismus_Matthias Gasser

World Water Day 2025: The City of Bressanone places climate change front and center

Can we stop the glaciers from melting? Just in time for World Water Day 2025, a digital exhibition by the city of Bressanone/Brixen reminds us of the shocking consequences of climate change.

March 17, 2025

Just a few years ago great giants of ice towered towards the sky – but now, there are menacing gaps. The glaciers in the Alpine region are retreating further and further – a sad sign that climate change is shaping our planet at a rapid pace. This means that fascinating natural spectacles are disappearing, along with valuable reserves of fresh water. The silent witnesses towering over the valley are falling victim to glacial melting and, with it, the danger for man and the environment is growing.

Glaciers are disappearing faster and faster in the Alps. Climate change is to blame. © Unsplash

How much longer can we wait and see? When will the Alpine ecosystem collapse as ice reserves dwindle? Scientists have been asking themselves this question for years. But the change can only be stopped with strong measures. As the town of Brixen has always benefited from the fresh water of the surrounding glaciers and nature is universally beloved in the Italian Alps, they have organized a special exhibition intended to draw attention to the consequences of climate change.

Protecting glaciers

Just in time for World Water Day on March 22, the city is hosting a special exhibition at the Brixen Water Light Festivals, which runs until April 30, 2025. Its main component is a visual appeal to protect the ecosystem and the resources in the Alpine region. Under the motto "Glacier Preservation - Protecting glaciers means securing the future", a digital show on their website presents impressive former installations by renowned artists that focus on the fragility of glaciers.

The Melting Glaciers by Leonhard Angerer is part of the exhibition. © Leonhard Angerer

The works include a lighted sign with the inscription "Ice Melting Ice" by Italian artist Stefano Cagol from 2019, which was intended to draw attention to the danger of rivers drying up. The installation illuminated the bed between the two rivers during the Water Light Festival, "as a thought-provoking reminder", as Cagol revealed at the time. Works by Leonhard Angerer (IT), Bål & Brand (DK), Laurence Bonvin (CH), Nicolás Rupcich (CL) and Xenorama (DE) are also on display. 

Water Light Festival 2026

While the special exhibition calls for mindfulness in dealing with nature, preparations for the next Water Light Festival in 2026 are already in full swing. Here, too, art meets environmental awareness, as the festival director explains: "We will once again present water and light in fascinating light shows and also convey important ecological messages. Water is not just a resource, but a precious commodity whose protection we want to make tangible through art. With the 2026 festival, we want to reach people across national borders and inspire them to take action," says Werner Zanotti.

The Global Warning by Stefano Cagol. © Bressanone Tourism Matthias Gasser

The festival will run from April 29 to May 17, 2026 in Bressanone/Brixen and the surrounding area. 

More information: brixen.org