

A transparent platform is to make the story more tangible.

12 January 2021

Once standing like a gladiator in the middle of the ancient architecture of the Colosseum? This will soon become a reality, because thanks to a retractable floor, the in Future possible.

Above the ancient architecture stand

Mass events were held in the Colosseum in Rome as early as 2000 years ago. Today, access is limited to protect the ancient architecture. But Italian Culture Minister Dario Franceschini has now announced that a transparent platform will be built to cover the visible substructure of the amphitheater. This will allow visitors to marvel at the historical building even better in the future.

Transparent floor costs 10 million euros

It is still unclear exactly how the platform will look or function. Designs will be accepted by the Italian Ministry of Culture until February 1, 2021. On one condition: the design must include the necessary criteria, such as pulling out the floor. According to the British Times 10 million euros are available for the project.

The Colosseum in Rome was built in antiquity, has space for more than 50,000 spectators and is thus considered the largest amphitheater in the world. The former gladiator arena served as a venue for mainly brutal fighting performances.

The Colosseum in Rome is the must-see for a visit to Rome.

Picture Credit: Ahmed Rasheed/Unsplash, David Kohler/Unsplash

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