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Lockdown in Austria: Current Corona regulations

Since the Corona cases in Austria have drastically increased again recently, the federal government announced new measures. From Monday, 22.11.2021, a nationwide lockdown comes into force.

21 November 2021

As the number of Corona cases in Austria has again reached new highs in recent days, the country's government has been forced to adjust the regulations around the Corona measures once again. These will come into force from next Monday, 22.11.2021. What concretely this means for the entry to Austria, the culture and tourism sector, you can read here. Plus: Current entry regulations of the neighbouring countries.

Nationwide lockdown

Probably the most comprehensive measure to contain the Corona virus is the nationwide lockdown that will take effect on Monday. This is already the fourth since the beginning of the pandemic and should initially last a maximum of 20 days. After 10 days, the next steps will be evaluated. All establishments in the arts, culture, gastronomy, hotels and commerce (with the exception of commerce for daily needs) will remain closed for this period. For the unvaccinated, this will indefinitely be extended after 20 days.

Entry into Austria

Upon entry into Austria, a 2.5G proof is generally required, i.e. persons must either be vaccinated, recovered or PCR-tested. Furthermore, antigen and antibody tests lose their validity.

The hotel industry will probably have to close by 12 December, so holiday travel to Austria will not be possible until 13 December. In gastronomy and the hotel industry, the 2G rule will apply after the opening in December. In addition, FFP2 masks will be compulsory in shops and museums.

Exit to neighbouring countries

Germany has classified Austria as a high-risk area. Travellers must therefore provide proof of 3G. Unvaccinated persons must also enter a 10-day quarantine, from which they can be released after 5 days at the earliest. Exceptions are e.g. visits of first-degree relatives. In this case, you may stay in the country for up to 72 hours. If Germany is only a transit country, the quarantine does not apply.

You can enter Italy from Austria with 3G proof. On return, the 2.5G rule applies. Alternatively, one can register and additionally complete a Corona test within 24 hours. Quarantine is not necessary.

You are also currently allowed to enter Switzerland with the 3G rule and registration. On site, masks are mandatory in restaurants and public transport. On the return journey, the 2.5G rule applies, or alternatively a registration and test within the first 24 hours.