Rosewood Vienna Alexander Lahmer Wien Tipps
© Rosewood Hotels & Resorts

Vienna Insider Alexander Lahmer: The best tips from the Rosewood Vienna Director

In a few weeks, the luxury hotel brand Rosewood will open its fifth hotel in Europe with its branch in Vienna. In time for the Austrian premiere, Managing Director Alexander Lahmer reveals what makes a good hotel - and what Vienna tips he has in store.

May 10, 2022

You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but German-born Alexander Lahmer can already look back on a career in the hotel industry spanning more than 20 years. He has been a member of the Rosewood family since 2013. Lahmer started his career with the internationally renowned luxury brand Rosewood Beijing as a hotel manager. As of July, he is the Managing Director of the new Rosewood Vienna. It will be Austria's first property of the brand with 99 rooms and suites, rooftop bar, legendary Rosewood Spa and several restaurants.

The new hotel opens in a prime downtown Vienna location. ©Rosewood Hotels & Resorts

Mr. Lahmer, in the course of your career you have managed first-class hotels all over the world. What makes out an outstanding hotel for you?

An exceptional hotel stands and falls with its staff. Without the team behind it, outstanding experiences and moments for the guests are not possible. Furthermore, I think that a special hotel has a vision and also lives it and tries to pass it on to its guests - all with a lifestyle approach.

Which three hotels would you personally book again and again - and why?

Of course our Rosewood Hotels - the properties in Beijing & Hong Kong are very important to me personally and close to my heart as I opened both hotels and these properties, the cities and the people there have given me so much inspiration. Rosewood London is my personal highlight, as it gives me the ultimate Rosewood "Sense of Place" feeling for me.

Rosewood London: always a good idea. ©Rosewood Hotels & Resorts

If you want to have a good coffee in Vienna, where do you go?

I'm out and about with our dog a lot in the city at almost any time of day, as my day allows. I enjoy sitting outside and letting the world of Vienna pass me by. I can do that very well in the Café knight near the Mariahilfer Straße. The Melange is highly recommended and the delicious iced coffee is always a treat.

Vienna in five words?

Best European quality of life

What souvenir do you bring back from a city trip to Vienna?

If I could send warm Kaiserschmarren around the world by courier, that would be my ultimate souvenir. Since this is unfortunately very difficult to do and I am a big fan of everything sweet, the best souvenir for me would something from Manner ...

Imperial flair still hovers over the city. ©Rosewood Hotels & Resorts

Which Viennese corner do you particularly like, and why?

There are endlessly beautiful and great places in Vienna and some that I have yet to explore - which I'm really looking forward to. Right now my favorites would be the Vienna Prater with all its attractions and endless green spaces. And of course the vineyards with their cozy Heurigen around Vienna.

In fact, Vienna is the only city in the world with its own vineyards. ©Shutterstock

You can find me in the Vienna Prater especially on the weekends when I'm out and about with my dog. It's also the perfect place to take a deep breath and recharge your batteries. And you always meet nice people. A trip to the vineyards is also always a good idea, to enjoy the fresh air and nature, as well as to stop at a Heuriger. The vineyards fascinate me above all because I find the proximity to the city simply unique.

What can guests at the new Rosewood Vienna look forward to?

Something new and special, something that Vienna and the Viennese will hopefully like very much and that the locals can also identify with. In addition to the hotel, guests can also look forward to an exciting restaurant and bar concept. And we also want to convince our guests with our special spa idea. I think it's very nice that we have the opportunity to be a part of Vienna - and we are very grateful for that!

Relaxing above the rooftops of the Danube metropolis. ©Rosewood Hotels & Resorts

What do you always have in your luggage when you travel?

I always travel with sunglasses and a laptop. But I hope that someday I will only need the sunglasses in my luggage.

What else is on your personal bucket list?

I would very much like to travel a bit more - especially in Europe, way up north. That's definitely on my bucket list. I've also never made it to India, unfortunately, and would love to visit the country one day. When it comes to "to-dos", it would definitely be a big garden to keep me busy all day.

Place of the heart: Bali. ©Shutterstock

A place you like to return to again and again?

A simple question for me - there are two very special places: One is that I always like to come back home, I come from a very small place in Germany with a lake and a forest. That's where I always go when I need to get away. And then there's Bali - my ultimate retreat and the place where I can recharge my batteries. I went there for the first time many years ago, always staying in small hotels in the middle of the big rice fields and five minutes from the beach. There I always realize how little you need to be happy.