Schönsten Strände auf Long Island
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Beach Destination New York: Long Island's Most Beautiful Beaches

More than 100 beaches on Long Island make New York City a great destination for swimmers and sun-seekers.

July 5, 2024

Whether you're looking for peace and quiet or the hustle and bustle of the beach, for a sophisticated or natural swim: Long Island has more than 100 beaches. And they're right on the doorstep of the megacity of New York, easily accessible by public transport. But where are the most beautiful beaches on Long Island?

For fans of wild romance: Iron Pier Beach

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There's probably no better beach to enjoy the sunset. Because from Iron Pier Beach in Jamesport, the view stretches all the way to Connecticut. Another argument in favor of this beach on Long Island is the relaxed atmosphere of the small town of Jamesport. Perhaps this is also due to the local Jamesport Farm Brewery? But you should definitely pay it a visit.

For nature lovers: Orient Beach State Park

Schönsten Strände auf Long Island

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The pebbly ground ensures that the water is particularly clear. There are also lifeguards keeping watch. But there are also great things to experience in the immediate vicinity. For example, the spectacular wetlands with their salt marshes, numerous bird species and ospreys. You can also enjoy windsurfing, kayaking and fishing here.

For relaxing hours: Kirk Park Beach

Montauk Beach

© Alex Ferrone

One of the most beautiful beaches on Long Island is the one off Montauk. Set against the beautiful backdrop of the village on the eastern tip of the island, Kirk Park Beach is the perfect place to enjoy relaxing hours on the golden sand. The waves aren't too high, the beach slopes gently and the water is shallow. That's why families also like to come here.

For Caribbean fans: Coopers Beach

Coopers Beach

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It may sound exaggerated at first. But those who compare Coopers Beach to a Caribbean beach are not entirely wrong. The beach in Southampton is actually wonderfully soft and white. It's one of the cleanest beaches on the entire east coast. And it's lined with gorgeous villas.

The classic: Long Beach

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As soon as you arrive on Long Island, you can put your feet in the sand. Because Long Beach, which belongs to the town of the same name, is full of life. Here, you can relax, swim and enjoy the sun. The city also offers plenty of variety. For example, you can take part in a range of summer events. These range from street food festivals to concerts and neighborhood fairs. There's never a dull moment!