© IDM South Tyrol-Alto Adige/Andreas Mierswa

Find Freedom in Northern Italy: The Mountain Is Calling!

Sometimes it's a good idea to overcome your inner weaker self. Sport in northern Italy doesn't sound like a chore, but rather like a great adventure for the whole family, where you can playfully push your limits and reach new heights.

September 3, 2024

Climbing fans have plenty of opportunities to try out the terrain. © Getty Images

Of course, it's particularly warm and cozy in bed the morning before a planned mountain tour. But the rucksack is packed and the hiking boots are ready. After all, a spectacular sunrise on the summit of Peitlerkofel, which is considered one of the most beautiful vantage points in the Dolomites, is waiting for you. The varied route leads through forests, past flowering meadows, looking magical in the semi-darkness. And then the last challenging part of the via ferrata begins, which is well secured with steel ropes.

However, you should be free from giddiness; helmets protect you from falling rocks. At the summit, when the first rays of sunshine make the Dolomite rocks glow red, the effort of the ascent is forgotten. A panorama suddenly unfolds in front of you: the main Alpine ridge is close enough to touch, the Großglockner and Großvenediger can be seen, as well as the Ötztal Alps, the Ortler and Brenta groups. The sky on the horizon changes color from yellow to pink to bright orange. You don't want to miss a moment. The best thing: you almost forget to pull out your cell phone and take a selfie of the summit cross.

Daily adventure

From mountain bikes to racing bikes: everything can be easily rented on site. IDM South Tyrol-Alto Adige/Daniel Geiger

Moments like these make you happy. You're infinitely grateful and glad that you have overcome your inner weaker self. For many city dwellers, a sports vacation sounds like a chore and an effort. But in northern Italy, where the mountains are practically on your doorstep, you quickly become addicted to the daily adrenaline rush. For families in particular, it's exciting to see that children love how much there is to experience: from breathtaking summer toboggan runs allowing you to race down the slopes at 40 km/h, to cool go-karts making it easy to drive around in the mountains, to high ropes courses where you can safely learn to overcome your fear of heights.

The Dolomites are a hiking paradise with a mountain backdrop that looks unreal. IDM South Tyrol-Alto Adige/Laurin Moser

The best way to explore the area is on long hikes. We recommend taking it easy for the first few days, giving your legs a chance to get used to the routine and then slowly increasing the length of the tours. The journey is the reward: the huts are not only architectural highlights - from rustic to modern - but also spoil you with regional delicacies that provide plenty of energy. The Meraner Höhenweg is one of the most beautiful circular hiking trails in the Alps and can be completed in five to eight daily stages, depending on your fitness level. It's fascinating how the landscapes change: from Mediterranean vegetation to rocky, barren high alpine mountain sections.

If you have overestimated your strength, there are many places where you can switch to cable cars and public transport. Whether you want to hike around the famous Three Peaks (walking time: around three hours) or explore the almost turquoise-blue Sorapis lake, or whether you want to visit the Pragser Wildsee in the Pustertal Valley at 1494 meters, which reaches a maximum of 20 degrees even in midsummer, the offer is huge: from well-developed attractions to insider tips and real climbing challenges such as the Via Ferrata Cesare Piazzetta on the Piz Boè in the Sella Group. In return, you're rewarded with a magnificent view of the Marmolada glacier plateau. Fortunately, the first few steep meters will show you whether you are up to the challenging tour.

Wild waters

left. IDM northern Italy/Hansi Heckmair; right Getty Images

It's important to be well informed - and, as absurd as it sounds, not necessarily to rely on the locals. For those who grew up in the mountains, some of the steep cliffs that overwhelm others are a mere trifle. However, the locals also know corners that are not listed in any travel guide but are no less spectacular. Some via ferratas offer wet surprises, such as Partschins waterfall, where you can experience the thundering force of the water. But rafting is also an ideal way to get a wet kick. Team building is a basic prerequisite for braving the white water together and picking up speed through deep gorges. If you want to dive even deeper into the spray, you should go canyoning - a real adventure that guarantees a racing heart. It takes a lot of effort to get down 50 meters in the roaring water, slide over smooth rock, facing the depths, or jump over waterfalls. The Zösenklamm gorge is considered a whitewater Eldorado.

Free as a bird

Paragliding is the ideal way to see the mountains from above. © Getty Images

Paragliding is on the bucket list of every adventure seeker. Surprisingly, you immediately forget your latent fear of heights as you glide weightlessly through the air. During a tandem jump, the accompanying professional takes over the navigation anyway, so you can relax and indulge in the feeling of freedom and experience the world from a bird's perspective. The take-off alone is a mental challenge. "You have to run towards the mountainside - and then not stop," says the flight instructor with a laugh: "Just keep running, even if you no longer have any ground under your feet."

Stand-up paddling on Lake Reschen with the famous sunken church tower. © Getty Images

This is exactly what makes a vacation in northern Italy so exciting: you feel completely safe in experienced hands and can push your personal sporting limits a little further every day. Naturally, you get addicted to the thrill of exploring things that you never knew you could enjoy before. In this respect, northern Italy is a great outdoor testing ground where you can discover new favorite sports. Or you can find out that certain things are not for you after all. At least you have tried them out in a breathtaking scenery - and can tick them off as done with a clear conscience.

Read more: These are the most beautiful sports and activity hotels in Northern Italy

This article appeared in the Falstaff TRAVEL issue South Tyrol Special 2024.

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