Deutschland kann weit mehr als Urban High-Life in Berlin oder Traumstrandidylle auf Sylt: Diese 7 Orte sollten Reisende unbedingt gesehen haben.

Hidden Gems: 10 Places in Germany You Need to See

Germany can do much more than urban high life in Berlin or dream beach idylls on the island of Sylt: these 10 places are must-sees for travelers.

February 14, 2023

1. bastei bridge

Lohmen, Saxon Switzerland

Geheimtipp Deutschland: Diese 7 Orte sollte man gesehen haben: die Basteibrücke in der Sächsischen Schweiz

The Bastei Bridge in Saxon Switzerland scores with spectacular views. © Artists Eyes

The 76.5 meter long sandstone bridge, built in 1851, towers almost 200 meters above the Elbe. Here you walk between rocks and trees and enjoy the spectacular panoramic view over Saxon Switzerland.

2. saalfeld fairy caves

Saalfeld, Thuringia

Geheimtipp Deutschland: Wirklich magisch: Die Saalfelder Feengrotten verstecken sich in einem ehemaligen Salzbergwerken aus dem 16. Jahrhundert.

The fairy grottos in Saalfeld are truly fabulous. © Shutterstock

Truly magical: The Saalfeld fairy caves hide in a former salt mine from the 16th century. Besides the fabulous multicolored stalactites, the fairy caves are also used as a healing gallery for speleotherapy or cave therapy.

3. Eltz Castle

Wierschem, Rhineland-Palatinate

Wie ein verwunschenes Schloss ragt die Burg Eltz aus dem grünen Tal der Elz in Deutschland hervor.

Whether on gloomy days or in the most beautiful sunshine, Eltz Castle impresses. © Cederic Van den Berghe

Like an enchanted castle, Castle Eltz rises from the green valley of the Elz River: built in the 12th century, daily tours of the premises - from the Knights' Hall to the drawing room - take place between April 1 and November 1.

4. Blautopf

Blaubeuren, Baden-Wuerttemberg

Geheimes Deutschland: Der sprechende Name Blautopf bezeichnet eine in Blaubeuren gelegene Karstquelle, die bei richtigem Lichteinfall in einem fast unwirklichen, intensiven Aquamarin erstrahlt.

In front of the rustic mill building lies the Blautopf, a radiant karst spring. © Denis Ba 

The evocative name Blautopf (blue pot) refers to a karst spring located in Blaubeuren, which shines in an almost unreal, intense aquamarine when the light falls on it properly. Responsible for this are lime particles of a few nanometers in size in the spring.

5. Rothenburg ob der Tauber


Deutschland von seiner charmantesten Seite: Rothenburg ob der Tauber mit seinen historischen Türmen und Torhäusern vermittelt den Eindruck, direkt in ein Grimm’sches Märchen spaziert zu sein.

Like in a fairy tale: Rothenburg ob der Tauber. © Shutterstock

Germany at its most charming: Rothenburg ob der Tauber with its historic towers and gatehouses gives the impression of having walked straight into a Grimm's fairy tale.

6. Krämerbrücke

Erfurt, Thuringia

Die Krämerbrücke in Deutschland mit ihren malerischen Häuschen ist die längste, durchgehend mit Gebäuden bebaute Brücke Europas.

Krämerbrücke is the only inhabited bridge north of the Alps. © Shutterstock

The Krämerbrücke with its picturesque cottages, is the longest bridge in Europe that is continuously covered with buildings. It is also the only inhabited bridge north of the Alps. So a walk across this iconic old town bridge, which crosses the Breitstrom, is worthwhile. 

7. Rakotzbrücke

Gablenz, Saxony

Die Rakotzbrücke, auch Teufelsbrücke genannt, zählt zu den magischsten Orten Deutschlands.

Devil's Bridge is known for its unique reflection. © Shutterstock

Rakotzbrücke, also called Devil's Bridge, is one of the most magical places in Germany. It is located in the lush green Azalea and Rhododendron Park Kromlau - and is the ideal place for a leisurely afternoon in the fresh air. .

Related: 10 Mystical Places That Are Worth the Trip

8. heligoland

German bay

Helgoland, was auf Friesisch so viel bedeutet wie „das Land“, liegt rund 50 Kilometer vom deutschen Festland entfernt.

Small but mighty: Helgoland off the coast of Germany. © Shutterstock

Helgoland, which means "the land" in Frisian, is located about 50 kilometers from the mainland. Besides the colorful lobster stalls, there are numerous nature reserves, and the museums on the island's eventful past are also worth a detour.

9th Freudenberg

North Rhine-Westphalia

Eindeutig ein Instagram-Foto wert: Die Geschichte Freudenbergs reicht bis ins 11. Jahrhundert zurück.

An impressive sight: the old half-timbered houses of Freudenberg. © Chris Weiher

Definitely worth an Instagram photo: Freudenberg's history dates back to the 11th century. In addition to the iconic half-timbered houses, most of which date back to the 17th century, travelers can also visit the small Freudenberg Castle here. 

10. monastery Wiblingen

Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg

Kunstliebhaber sind im Kloster Wiblingen an der richtigen Adresse: Die ehemalige Benediktinerabtei wurde 1093 errichtet und 1806 säkularisiert.

Wiblingen Monastery impresses with magnificent architecture. © Shutterstock

Art lovers are at the right address at Kloster Wiblingen: The former Benedictine abbey was built in 1093 and secularized in 1806. The monastery is especially famous for its remarkable library in rococo style.