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Christoph Bayer

Tyrol's Top 3 Bike Routes

The mountain bike paradise of Tyrol offers numerous trails and incredible mountain panoramas. You shouldn't miss the following three.

June 18, 2024

Blindsee Trail

Difficulty level: easy
Suitable for: people without a fear of heights

© Tirol Tourist Board, Heinzlmeier Bert 

Grubigstein cable car takes you effortlessly up from Lermoos, with the route starting at the mountain station. Here, you can warm up well on a wide trail section before a technically more challenging section begins over a scree section. You shouldn't be afraid of heights - and you should have a good riding technique. However, it's worth it, the view of the turquoise-blue Blindsee lake is breathtaking. At the waterfall, you should push the bike for a section before the steep descent. After this adrenaline rush, you've earned a dip in the cool water; there are plenty of places to swim and chill out. You should plan around an hour's drive if you don't make too many photo stops - which is a challenge on this picturesque route. Highlight: A beautiful natural trail without any artificial elements, including slightly tighter bends.


Difficulty level: medium
Suitable for: cyclists who like it short but tough

© Tirol Tourist Board, Unverzart Olaf

At only around 17 kilometers, this route is one of the shorter, but at the same time most idyllic, as you cycle along old, historic trade and salt roads (Via Salina). Right after the start in Weißenbach, you cycle through a mystical gorge. The tour offers plenty of variety - after some tough climbs, there are relaxed sections past alpine pastures and through wild and romantic forests and meadows; you should plan in two and a half hours. The rugged mountains around Aggenstein and Gimpel are also impressive. In the Tannheimer Tal you'll find beautiful bike tours for every fitness level. All routes can be combined with each other and are well signposted: Blue means easy, red moderately difficult and black difficult. Highlight: View of the Berger Ache valley, also known as the most beautiful high valley in the Alps.

Bike Everest Tirol

Difficulty level: difficult
Suitable for: Anyone who is not afraid of a seven-day adventure that requires fitness

© Bike Everest Tirol

When a tour is called Bike Everest Tyrol", then everything has already been said: 8848 meters of altitude have to be covered in the ascent. It takes seven days to complete the almost 285-kilometre route, which leads from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Plamort on the Reschen Pass. It goes through several nature parks, past mountain lakes, waterfalls, alpine pastures, gorges, castles and medieval fortresses. This tour is particularly demanding in terms of fitness - but it's also suitable for leisurely e-bikers, as there are charging stations along the way. The last stage is particularly challenging, with almost 1600 meters of elevation gain to be covered. However, the route also takes you directly to border towns with Switzerland and to a viewpoint over Lake Reschen. Highlight: Fantastic views of the Zugspitze and the King of the South Tyrolean mountains, the Ortler.

Read more: The best hiking routes in Tyrol

This article appeared in the Falstaff TRAVEL issue Tirol Special 2024.

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