Von Frankreich bis in den Oman: Wer nach farbintensiven Blumenmeeren sucht, wird an diesen Orten rund um den Globus fündig.
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Big Bloom: 10 Places That Are Bursting With Blossoms

From France to Japan, world travelers are immersed in colorful seas of flowers in these places.

February 17, 2023

1. Wildflowers along Route 1

California, USA

Urlaub in Blumenmeeren: Route 1 Kalifornien

California's Route 1 amazes motorists with a gorgeous sea of flowers. © Shutterstock

In bloom: mid-March to early April

From poppies to lupines and sand verbena to bluebells and evening primrose, California's Central Coast is bursting with colorful wildflowers. The Carrizo Plain in particular is known for its fabulous sea of flowers.  

2. sakura

Kyoto or Tokyo, Japan

Eintauchen in Blumenmeere: Sakura in Japan

Cherry blossom in Japan is one of the country's highlights. © Akira Deng

In bloom: mid-March to early May

Who hasn't heard of it? The sakura, or Japanese cherry blossom, enchants tourists and residents alike with its splendor. A symbol of beauty and transience, the annual blooming season marks the beginning of Spring. 

Related: Why a trip to Japan is worthwhile now

3. Jacaranda Trees

Pretoria, South Africa

Urlaub in Blumenmeeren: Jacaranda Bäume in Pretoria

Intense purple awaits visitors to Pretoria for the jacaranda bloom. © Shutterstock

In bloom: late September to mid-November

The Jacaranda trees, originally from Brazil, first took root in Pretoria in 1888. Since then, they have tinted the city, now rightly called Jacaranda City, in breathtaking purple. A special sight is the Klapperkop Nature Reserve.

5 Claude Monet Jardin de Giverny

Giverny, France

Urlaub in Blumenmeeren: Claude Monet Jardin de Giverny

Monet transformed the floral splendor of Giverny into Impressionist masterpieces. © Veronica Reverse

In bloom: April - October

Monet's gardens in Normandy invite you to experience firsthand the inspiration behind many of the artist's works. Surrounded by lush greenery, blooming irises, roses and tulips, you'll be immersed not only in a sea of flowers but in the artist's world of impressionism.

4. lavender fields

Provence, France

Umringt von Blumenmeeren: Provence

Provence is famous for its colorful lavender fields. © Antony Bec

In bloom: mid-June to mid-August

The vast lavender fields let Provence shine in a breathtaking splendor of blue and purple shades, starting in mid June. Travelers on a road trip through the small villages of Southern France can look forward to purple views, and to lavender festivals and excellent wines.

Related: Vive la Provence 

6. tulip fields

Lisse, Netherlands

Blüte: Ende März bis Mitte MaiDie facettenreichen Tulpenfelder Südhollands, vor allem jene um den Keukenhof in Lisse, ziehen jährlich zigtausende Besucher an. Und das völlig zurecht, verwandeln sie doch die Wiesen rund um die ikonischen Windmühlen in fantastisch bunte Blumenmeere.

The iconic tulip fields at Keukenhof in Lisse. © Shutterstock

In bloom: late March to mid-May

The multifaceted tulip fields of South Holland, particularly those around Keukenhof in Lisse, attract tens of thousands of visitors every year. And rightfully so, as they transform the meadows around the iconic windmills into fantastic, colorful seas of flowers.

7. furano flower fields

Hokkaido, Japan

Urlaub in Blumenmeeren: Akeleien, Stiefmütterchen, Lavendel, Schwertlilien: Wer im Juli nach Hokkaido reist, wird von einer schier unglaublichen Blumenpracht empfangen. Die Region wird auch kulturell bunter, wenn Festivals wie das Ikada Kudari oder das Yufure den japanischen Big Bloom abrunden.

Flowers as far as the eye can see: the Shikisai Garden Hill in Biei, Japan. © Shutterstock

In bloom: mid-June to early August

Columbines, pansies, lavender, irises: If you travel to Hokkaido in July, you will be greeted by an almost unbelievable display of flowers. The region becomes more culturally colorful when festivals like the Ikada Kudari or the Yufure round off the Japanese Big Bloom.

Related: At Last, Japan's Borders Have Fully Re-Opened

8. sunflower fields

Tuscany, Italy

Die Maremma-Region in der Toskana ist weltberühmt für ihre unendlichen Sonnenblumenfelder. Eine Lustfahrt entlang der Küstenregion, rund um Siena etwa, offenbart strahlende gelbe Köpfchen, die den Vorbeifahrenden in der Brise zunicken.

Tuscany sunflowers bloom in the summer. © Shutterstock

In bloom: late June to early October

The Maremma region in Tuscany is world famous for its endless fields of sunflowers. A pleasure drive along the coastal region, around Siena for example, reveals radiant yellow heads nodding to those passing by in the breeze. 

Related: Bella Italia: The 5 best road trips through Italy

9. canola flower fields

Luoping, China

Blumenmeere:Der Frühling rund um die märchenhaften Jinji-Berge in Luoping bringt ein wahres Spektakel mit sich. Denn im Mai beginnen hier die Rapsfelder in sattem Gelb zu blühen. Der Anblick der sonnigen, hügeligen Terrassenfelder, die aus dem Nebel auftauchen, ist eine Reise wert.

Rape dips the hilly terraces around Luoping in rich yellow from March. © Shutterstock

In bloom: early March to early June

Spring around the fabulous Jinji Mountains in Luoping is a true sight to behold. In May, the rapeseed fields begin to bloom in rich yellow. The sight of the sunny, hilly terraced fields emerging from the mist is well worth the trip.

10. hydrangea flower

São Miguel, Azores

Urlaub in Blumenmeeren: Der portugiesische Außenposten im Nordatlantik weiß nicht nur mit seiner Inselidylle zu überzeugen: Duftende Blumen verwandeln die Azoren in ein Wanderparadies. Auf der größten Insel, São Miguel, darf man über die von Hortensien, die mit ihren weißen, blauen und lila Blüten verzaubern und die Sete Cidades säumen, staunen.

The crater lakes on the Azores island are lined with hydrangeas starting in June. © Shutterstock

In bloom: late June until September

The Portuguese outpost in the North Atlantic knows how to charm not only with its island idyll: fragrant flowers transform the Azores into a hiker's paradise. On the largest island, São Miguel, one may marvel at the hydrangeas that enchant with their white, blue and purple blossoms and line the Sete Cidades.

Related: Traveler's Guide: Portugal's Island Paradise