Italy / South Tyrol/Trentino

Hotel Castel

Keschtngasse 18, 39019 Dorf Tirol, South Tyrol/Trentino, Italy


Culinary South Tyrol

Enjoy the culinary delights of South Tyrol
Great pleasure in four days

During the day you will explore the culinary diversity of South Tyrol in selected traditional inns and popular restaurants and in the evening you will enjoy fine dining in the Castel and as a highlight in the 2-star restaurant Castel finedining (formerly Trenkerstube).

Included services

- 4 or more nights including a comprehensive service package
- 2 lunches (3-4 courses) in selected restaurants in the area
- 1 degustation menu (5 courses) in the restaurant Castel finedining **
- Taxi for round trip to the two out-of-town restaurants (optional)

4 nights

28.05.2021 - 28.11.2021

from € 998 p. P.

Price information: Price per person

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